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Topics Already Discussed

CDs are Available


·       Commitment, Communication, Consideration and Courtship in Marriage,


·       Returning to Intimacy Series: Mental, emotional, spiritual and physical


·       Disarming Destructive Fear in the relationship


·       Disarming Destructive Anger in the relationship


·       Principles to Relationship


·       Positive Impact in Relationship


·       The Characteristic & Quality of Love


·       Helping Your Spouse Succeed


·       Empathetic Listening in Relationship


·       The Importance of Loyalty in Marriage


·       Understanding Your Spouse Love Language


·       Returning To Intimacy


"Marriage Still Works", Prayer CD

​We are excited for The Two Hearts That Beat as One 1st recorded prayer CD:  'Marriage Still Works."  

We will fight for our marriage, our children, our finance, our community and our health.

To order, please click on the “donate” tab below. 

Donation is $10.00 includes shipping; please note "CD" in the subject tab.

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